The Four-Part Mission of Global Connections

Global Connections is a non-profit organization Bowling Green, Ohio, working to serve the international residents of our city. Our four-part mission is to…

1) Connect with the International Community by serving and providing cultural events.
2) Make friends by invitation into our homes.
3) Learn about each other’s culture.
4) Invite our international friends to observe or participate in our spiritual communities, if they choose to.

We enjoy connecting with international friends at parties and cultural events (like the Independence Day BBQ coming up in July). When international friends visit our homes, our friendships with them deepens over conversation and shared meals. It is fascinating to learn about other cultures. And we are happy to share things about American culture with our international friends. Small and large group gatherings give our international friends the opportunity to observe and or participate in our spiritual communities if they choose to. You can learn more about the ways we pursue this four-part mission by subscribing to our email newsletter and liking our Facebook page.