He is Risen Indeed!

For Christians, yesterday marked the beginning of the Easter season.  This season is the celebration of Jesus Christ rising from the dead and appearing to His disciples and other of His followers for a period of forty days.  At the end of this time, called Pentecost (which is actually fifty days in total), His followers were given the gift of the Holy Spirit in the form of tongues of flame and commanded to go out and make disciples of the nations.  They were to be witnesses first in Jerusalem and then to the whole world.  The early church was born.  What was witnessed as a travesty became a blessing and continues to be so.  So to Christians and others who are open to this message, may this be a blessed time for you!

The picture above shows Jesus appearing to two of His followers along the road that led to a town called Emmaus.  He explained to them how it was necessary for Christ to suffer and die and then be raised again.  He opened up many scripture passages to them and was invited to stay and have a meal with them.  While at the table, he took some bread, broke it and gave it to them.  At this, their eyes were finally opened and they realized who he was.  Then, he disappeared.  These followers then returned to Jerusalem and told the disciples what had happened to them and how their eyes were opened at the breaking of the bread.  They said, “The Lord has risen, indeed!”